Welcome to Brokers.xxx

Bruce, the Adult Site Broker, is unmatched in the industry due to his vast experience working with individuals in our field and his skill at selling adult websites and businesses.

He is hands-on and works closely with adult business owners to sell or discover a website that generates revenue and traffic when it comes to assisting businesses in the adult industry to prosper and grow. He works with adult company owners as an adult website broker to help them get started making money in the current digital environment.

He invites each listener into the adult world through his podcast, Adult Site Broker Talk, where he shares advice on brokering adult entertainment websites and businesses.

Frequently Asked Questions

It is perhaps the hardest question to answer and the one that is asked the most. It is hard to estimate how long the procedure will take in advance. With some deals close in a week and others take a year. This is a collaborative approach including your organization and Brokers.xxx. It's critical to adopt that perspective so that we can collaborate to sell your business or website to the highest bidder.

Please fill out our NDA and financials from the previous three years to us..

If you would want to prepare yourself before contacting us, you may get a basic form for financials HERE

After that, we determine the property's value using its financials and, on occasion, its traffic, if the financials don't fully tell the tale.

We will prepare a broker agreement, which you will sign, and we will begin the process of selling your site if you accept our appraisal and choose to cooperate with us.

We use our email list of more than 12,000 people in the industry to market the property (we use a blind listing, meaning we don't reveal the property's identify or any other specific information to potential buyers unless they sign an NDA).

Additionally, we target the property to particular individuals we believe could be interested. We keep track of purchasers and the kinds of websites they are interested in.

Our Website has a list of our products as well. Once more, these are blind listings as you can see.

When a buyer is found and your offer is accepted, we draft a letter of intent, or LOI, and include all pertinent information about the sale, including the purchase price, terms (i.e., cash deal or down payment and terms), and any other relevant facts.

Following that, a sales agreement is drafted by one of the parties' attorneys, signed, and an escrow is opened. Our main source for escrow services is escrow.domains

The transaction is completed and the escrow closes once escrow has received the money and the domains involved in the sale. The buyer receives the property, and the seller receives their money.

This varies based on the size of the deal. A property selling for 100,000 will have a higher percentage commission than a property selling for 10 million dollars. After doing the assessment we will quote what our commission rate will be.

Your financial records for the last three years as well as the current year should be sent to us. Occasionally, we may also request access to Google Analytics so that we can examine your traffic. Following the agreement's signature, we inquire further about your business and the reasons behind your sale.

What types of properties do you broker: We represent a wide range of adult businesses and websites. We are unable to manage your property, but, if its value is less than $50,000. If so, you can sell the website yourself on our FREE marketplace, ASB Marketplace.. Occasionally, we get calls from people who want to sell their website that they just built a few months ago. We advise the seller to hold off on trying to sell the site until it has had time to mature in almost all of the time. It's doubtful that you'll get your money back from the website otherwise. And those hardly ever meet our minimum requirement of $50,000.

Certainly. 2022 saw recurring and referral business account for 83.5% of our total revenue. Visit our affiliate program, ASB Cash, and register as an affiliate if you would like to send sellers or buyers to us.

Rarely do we broker domains. The sole exception are extremely valuable ones. If the worth of your domain is less than $50,000, go to and post it for free.

We do discover that the process moves more quickly if you are open and honest about what you're selling. Remember that all of the public listings on our website, as well as the newsletters and mail blasts we send out, are blind listings—they don't include the name of the business or website. For businesses who wish to exercise an additional degree of prudence, we do, however, also have private listings. In these situations, we limit our search for possible customers to those in our industry network. However, the majority of our sales come from sites that are blind listings like explained above. We do find that if you’re transparent about what you’re selling, it helps to push the process along. Keep in mind that all public listings, both on our website and in our newsletters and mail blasts are blind listings, with no name of the company or website mentioned.

Certainly. We are able to act as your buyer's broker, taking a cut of the sale in exchange for our efforts to get you the exact site you want within your desired price range. But there is a minimum, of $100,000.

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